Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I know that most of the boxing world breathed a sigh of relief at the news. I for one am disappointed. Both guys are going to fight again against different opponents. Hopkins will probably fight a farewell in Philly. Jones will try and fight another light heavy. Jones will most likely have the same type of performance he had against tarver in there third encounter. Avoid and try just to last twelve. The only fight worth seeing Hopkins in would be against Winky Wright. As much as I think it would be a good fight, two defensive wizards might also be pretty frickin' slow. If Hopkins and Jones were to give another go around I think it would be pretty interesting. Has Jones slowed enough for Hopkins to catch him? Is Jones chin really that bad? Has Hopkins learned to start faster after the Taylor fight? I think the fact that these guys have aged and lost a few recently makes this fight more intriguing. They match up better now than if they had fought five years ago. I know there's a doubters than believers. One thing I like about boxing is you never know. Everyone could be right, it could be a terrible fight. It could also be the fight we expected out of the first one. You never know.

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