As a die hard boxing fan it saddens me to see the sport of boxing not doing well. (I know 2009 is off to a great start, but I'm talking in the grand scheme of things). I know the usual complaints of corruption, bad fights, and too many PPV's. I agree with all of them! The Bryguy is not here to convince you that the sport he loves is perfect. I am not here to talk about the reasons why you should overlook bad fights, or even forget about corruption. What I am here to do, is tell you the great secret about how I still enjoy boxing so much. THE DVR! It's not just great for the Office, and Always Sunny in Philidelphia, but boxing too. As much as I love the sport of boxing, I am not willing to lose out on a good Friday or Saturday night out. I can go to the bar and I am guaranteed not to see Jim Lampley and Emmanuel Steward on the TV, and I have even less of a chance catching a PPV or Showtime fight on. I don't have to worry about someone ruining the outcome of the fight and best of all, if the fight stinks, just fast forward past it! I am as big a fight fan as you'll find, and I actually watch most of my fights over coffee not beer. Pavlick - Taylor I, Lacy - Calzaghe, and Cotto - Malignaggi are just few of the brawls I watched over my morning caffeine. (there is the occasional fight I watch with one eye as the room spins, but I usually re-watch those in the morning too). Not a bad way to start the day if I do say so myself. (Of course I'm talking about the fight, not the hangover!) So next time you decide to say boxing is a dying sport, take a moment and ask yourself, "am I just watching it wrong?".