Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Sorry it's been a while since I last posted.  I've been in the midst of a job change.  I will no longer be working for CN8: The Comcast Network.  I am now a Videographer for NESN.  I will be covering mostly Red Sox and Bruins, I will miss covering as much boxing as I have in the past, but the move overall is a good one.  Since I won't be covering boxing as a photog anymore I decided before I left to put together one last boxing piece that had been siting idle for about 8 months.  

Every time I sat down to watch boxing I would hear about famous gyms through the United States, Kronk, Gleason's, and more recently the Wild Card.  The one gym that is mentioned in nearly every boxing broadcast was Gleason's Gym, and it was always prefixed with the likes of, historic, famous, one and only.  I wanted to know what was so special about Gleason's( ya, I know they had a bunch of champs) what I wanted to was, why.  So Jeb Fisher and I, along with our trusted sidekick Dan"the animal" Cordella, took a trip to the famous gym and were truly inspired by what we saw.  So much so that I put this piece together with no intention of it seeing TV time, Dan is know boxing, and Jeb still has dream about Zab Judah.
Thanks to everyone at Gleason's for helping us out Bob Jackson, Hector Roca, Yoel Judah, Zab Judah, John Duddy, and Bruce Silverglade.

I hope you enjoy it.  Please let me know what you think.