So once again I state that I'm very excited about this fight. Not just for the fact that I think it should be a good scrap, but also because everyone else is excited about this fight. Not just freaks like The Bryguy, who write blogs about their favorite sport. It's the people who wouldn't normally care about a fight that are getting me amped up. Today I read two articles in ESPN the magazine, and one in SI about the fight. Both magazines had the fight featured on the front cover, which is unheard of these days. After all that i didn't think I could be more into this fight, but wait there's more! I worked an early day and went home for some delicious home cooking, and some overdue vegetables. On my way home I decided last minute to stop and do some food shopping. Probably not the best idea when you're not sure exactly what you need. I found myself wondering the supermarket aimlessly. Suddenly I was in the magazine section and looking at me square in the face was the new Ring Magazine. In bold letters across the front it said "25 PAGE SPECIAL SECTION GOLDEN BOY VS. PRETTY BOY THE WORLD AWAITS". My first thought was I wish I had renewed my subscription to The Ring. My second thought was I don't have the money for this and yet I'll buy it anyway. As I stood in line I realized I didn't need most of what I had put in my basket. Then the cashier asked "who you taking". It took me a minute to realize what he was talking about, when I noticed the magazine was on top of my groceries. So, of course I replied "Mayweather". The cashier then came with "ya, I think Delahoya's been out too long". That was pretty much the extent of the conversation, but it was a first for me and a much better chit chat than, "nice day out huh". So, my friend the cashier said he is going to have to work during the fight, which I honestly felt bad about for some reason. I will not be working and I will enjoy sharing in the excitement with all the people who will probably never get excited about boxing again after May 5th. Of course that's not me, I get excited about every fight.